Friday, February 20, 2009

Well, my mother and I were going to go into town today, but it's cold, windy, and we both have a ton of other stuff we could be doing, so we're staying home.

I think it's a good time to get those pressing projects done!

-Finish weaving my handspun shawl. After I posted about the EZ as Pi shawl using that delicious Barefoot Spinner handspun, the shawl sat, and sat, and sat. I finally frogged it a few weeks ago, washed up the ramen noodly yarn and dressed the loom a few days ago. No pictures yet, because I'm a bit lazy.

-At least pick, and maybe card, the 6 ounces of Romney I washed and dyed a yummy "planet Earth" green and blue last night.

-Finish washing the 6 ounces I soaked overnight. It needs it, I think, since it's al old, particulary gunky fleece, but it's very yummy once it's washed.

-And the most daunting.... repair Mom's handwoven shawls. She did these gorgeous (if scratchy, they were woven with rug wool!) blue, green and gold shawls when I was about 10. They did just fine for 13 years. And then we got Calypso, my spunky feline shadow. Caly has pulled the weft all out of place on Mom's, and chewed a hole in mine. I know it was her. I saw her do it. Mom was going to throw hers away, but I pulled it out of the bag she chucked it in, looked at it and just about cried at the thought of it going to waste. If I can't pull the threads back into place well enough, I told her we'd felt it and make her a bag or pillow or something out of it. Mine will be fixed with pieces snipped from the fringe and needlewoven back in over the hole. And then, I think they could both use a nice long soak in some Eucalan. And that cat is not getting them again!

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