Sunday, July 29, 2007

Yes, I am still alive. I've just been busy lately. I'm currently looking for a job. Now, I know everyone thinks this is to support my fiber habit, but actually, it's to support my SCA habit. My friends Cat and Cullen are currently snug in the midst of thousands of crazy people in weird clothes, for a 2 week long camping/reenactment adventure. I'm jealous. I've vowed to join them next year.

Now, this isn't entirely without fibery goodness. I managed to get myself started with tablet weaving last night. (This is, of course, so I can make trim for the Viking garb I'm planning.) I'll post pictures when I get this second piece done.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you think "Wow!!! I have to blog this?" I had one of those tonight. I spent an hour and a half on the phone with a dear friend I hadn't spoken to in more than 5 years. You see, we practically grew up together, were inseparable, BFF, all of that. I, however, moved one week into high school. Well, back to the topic at hand. We caught up, and reminisced, and talked knitting. We didn't just talk knitting, no, she asked me for help. And I gave it. You can't keep good geeks down!

Well, that's it for tonight. I have a loom to warp.

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