Friday, December 10, 2010

It has been such a long time!

I feel very, very neglectful when I think about it. Life, however, has that tendency of getting in the way and sidetracking us, doesn't it?

Well, let's see. My dear little shop closed, so I was without employment for a while. Now that I have a job again, I'm not very happy with it. It seems very soulless, whereas working in a fiber arts shop was fuel for the spirit. Ahh well. One of these days, right?

I am a SAHD - stay at home daughter. This past April, my mother got her foot stuck in a mole hole and managed to break her leg rather badly. She was couch-bound for months upon months following the surgery to put entirely too much metal in her leg, so I cut back at work and stayed home while my father went to work to take care of her and keep the house, yard and garden in order. It was definitely a learning experience, and forced me to grow up in ways I didn't know I hadn't yet. It was a long haul, but thankfully, my mother and I get along famously, and seem to just instinctually know when one of us needs alone time, so no one got yelled at. ;)

I had a long spinning dry spell, mostly because I had to be in the very crowded livingroom most of the day when she was recovering. That dry spell was taken up by hand quilting, which I can thank my former boss for. I still haven't finished that quilt, but I'm working on a top now that's destined for a very special friend.

I hope you're all doing well, and I'll do my best not to slack off again!