Sunday, November 05, 2006

Well, it looks like "later tonight" didn't work, hmm?

Unfortunately, I only have one bit of yarn porn that I just barely remembered to *take* before I started unwinding the skein. So, here you go!

Dark grey superwash merino (purchased at Pennsic), blended with a bit of a blue, green and purple silk cap from MDSW last year. Double knitting weight. I forgot to grab a yardage count, but it' a fairly sizable 2 yard skein.

I am so pleased with this stuff. And very upset that I only had enough superwash for one skein!

This skein is already being knit into a garter stitch brimmed hat. A girl needs something special and shiny, doesn't she?

Monday, October 02, 2006

I thought to myself... "Self, you need motivation to take lots of yarn porny pics." And my self agreed. So, here I am.

There will, I hope, be pictures to follow tonight of my latest skeins.